Where Care Begins

Lexus Healthcare

Service Areas

Our Service Areas

Our service areas include cities and towns in Boston, Greater Boston, Northeast, Central, Metro West, North Shore, and South Shore regions.

Cost of Services

Our services may be available to patients covered under Self- Payment Plans such as:
Private/Commercial Health Insurance, Massachusetts Medicaid & Medicare, Long Term Care Insurance, and Other State Financed Insurance Plans other than Medicaid.
We are glad to discuss individual patient situations.

Specialized Therapy Care Services

We now are able to provide transportation to and from your appointments.
We have contracted with the state to provide the MART or Montachuset Area Regonial Transit service if you are qualified.

What makes us different

Many things separate Lexus Healthcare from other home healthcare providers. We believe that our clinicians are well trained. We continue to innovate and bring new ways to care for patients at home in ways that help them stay at home. We continue to focus on measurable outcomes that provide proof of our success. Yet one of the main differences is not scientific or clinical at all. At Lexus Healthcare, we never forget that we are a company that believes in care that comes from the heart.